actTime | '20250208104242' |
appTemp | 'n/a' |
appTempMaxToday | 'n/a' |
appTempMaxTodayTime | 'n/a' |
appTempMaxYday | 'n/a' |
appTempMaxYdayTime | 'n/a' |
appTempMinToday | 'n/a' |
appTempMinTodayTime | 'n/a' |
appTempMinYday | 'n/a' |
appTempMinYdayTime | 'n/a' |
baroAct | '1018.9' |
baroDelta | '0.19999999999993' |
baroFrom | 'hpa' |
baroMaxAll | '1048' |
baroMaxAllTime | '20200120104451' |
baroMaxMonth | '1043.1' |
baroMaxMonthTime | '20250206102903' |
baroMaxToday | '1020.2' |
baroMaxTodayTime | '20250208000205' |
baroMaxYday | '1036.5' |
baroMaxYdayTime | '20250207000007' |
baroMaxYear | '1043.1' |
baroMaxYearTime | '20250206102903' |
baroMinAll | '970.8' |
baroMinAllTime | '20191213073137' |
baroMinMonth | '1017.9' |
baroMinMonthTime | '20250208060103' |
baroMinToday | '1017.9' |
baroMinTodayTime | '20250208060103' |
baroMinYday | '1020.1' |
baroMinYdayTime | '20250207234904' |
baroMinYear | '982.1' |
baroMinYearTime | '20250127043200' |
baroTrend | 'Bestendig' |
baroTrends | '1018.9#1018.8#1018.8#1018.8#1018.8#1018.7' |
check_ok | '3.00' |
chilAct | 1 |
chilDelta | '2.5' |
chilMaxToday | '-2.8' |
chilMaxTodayTime | '20250208103437' |
chilMinAll | '-18.8' |
chilMinAllTime | '20180301024915' |
chilMinMonth | '-5.7' |
chilMinMonthTime | '20250202083625' |
chilMinToday | '-2.8' |
chilMinTodayTime | '20250208002919' |
chilMinYday | '-3.9' |
chilMinYdayTime | '20250207075207' |
chilMinYear | '-6' |
chilMinYearTime | '20250121065237' |
daylight | 'Daglicht (uu:mm): 9:36 (+ 4 minuten)' |
daylight_text | 'Daglicht (uu:mm): 9:36' |
daylight_trend | '+ 4 minuten' |
dewpAct | '1.6' |
dewpDelta | '0.4' |
dewpMaxAll | '25.3' |
dewpMaxAllTime | '20190804173139' |
dewpMaxMonth | '6' |
dewpMaxMonthTime | '20250205151936' |
dewpMaxToday | '1.6' |
dewpMaxTodayTime | '20250208100419' |
dewpMaxYday | '1.9' |
dewpMaxYdayTime | '20250207000007' |
dewpMaxYear | '8.6' |
dewpMaxYearTime | '20250127053608' |
dewpMinAll | '-41.4' |
dewpMinAllTime | '20190729060203' |
dewpMinMonth | '-3' |
dewpMinMonthTime | '20250203071727' |
dewpMinToday | '0.2' |
dewpMinTodayTime | '20250208010451' |
dewpMinYday | '0.1' |
dewpMinYdayTime | '20250207223143' |
dewpMinYear | '-3' |
dewpMinYearTime | '20250203071727' |
etAll | '4539.9' |
etMonth | '5.2' |
etToday | '0.3' |
etYday | '1' |
etYear | '15.3' |
fcstTxt | 'Toenemende bewolking met kleine temperatuursschommelingen. Neerslag is mogelijk binnen 24 tot 48 uur.' |
fcstTxtOrg | 'Increasing clouds with little temperature change. Precipitation possible within 24 to 48 hours.' |
fileTime | '1739007762' |
gustAct | '20.9' |
gustMaxAll | '122.4' |
gustMaxAllTime | '20180118090905' |
gustMaxMonth | '56.2' |
gustMaxMonthTime | '20250207141056' |
gustMaxToday | '33.8' |
gustMaxTodayTime | '20250208002919' |
gustMaxYday | '56.2' |
gustMaxYdayTime | '20250207141056' |
gustMaxYear | '65.9' |
gustMaxYearTime | '20250101135402' |
gustTrends | '2.7#2.7#4.0#2.7#3.6#4.5' |
heatAct | '4.1' |
heatDelta | '0.4' |
heatMaxAll | '45.1' |
heatMaxAllTime | '20190725165434' |
heatMaxMonth | '7.2' |
heatMaxMonthTime | '20250206153649' |
heatMaxToday | '4.1' |
heatMaxTodayTime | '20250208102925' |
heatMaxYday | '4.8' |
heatMaxYdayTime | '20250207132502' |
heatMaxYear | '10.9' |
heatMaxYearTime | '20250127130418' |
hudxAct | '0' |
humiAct | '84.0' |
humiActExtra1 | '0' |
humiActExtra2 | '0' |
humiDelta | '0' |
humiInAct | '28.0' |
humiInDelta | '-56' |
humiMaxAll | '100' |
humiMaxAllTime | '20171216222111' |
humiMaxMonth | '98' |
humiMaxMonthTime | '20250206054906' |
humiMaxToday | '85' |
humiMaxTodayTime | '20250208095908' |
humiMaxYday | '89' |
humiMaxYdayTime | '20250207000007' |
humiMaxYear | '98' |
humiMaxYearTime | '20250115102534' |
humiMinAll | '1' |
humiMinAllTime | '20190728102205' |
humiMinMonth | '71' |
humiMinMonthTime | '20250201154028' |
humiMinToday | '82' |
humiMinTodayTime | '20250208000011' |
humiMinYday | '77' |
humiMinYdayTime | '20250207133507' |
humiMinYear | '71' |
humiMinYearTime | '20250201154028' |
humiTrends | '84#84#84#84#84#84' |
lastRainTip | |
last_year_high | '-999' |
last_year_highT | '19700101010000' |
last_year_low | '999' |
last_year_lowT | '19700101010000' |
latitude | 'latitude' |
leafTempAct |
leafWetAct |
leafWetMaxAll |
leafWetMaxAllTime |
leafWetMaxMonth |
leafWetMaxMonthTime |
leafWetMaxToday |
leafWetMaxTodayTime |
leafWetMaxYday |
leafWetMaxYdayTime |
leafWetMaxYear |
leafWetMaxYearTime |
leafWetMinAll |
leafWetMinAllTime |
leafWetMinMonth |
leafWetMinMonthTime |
leafWetMinToday |
leafWetMinTodayTime |
leafWetMinYday |
leafWetMinYdayTime |
leafWetMinYear |
leafWetMinYearTime |
longitude | 'longitude' |
lunarAge | '10' |
lunarPhasePerc | '81.4' |
moistAct |
1 => | '255' |
2 => | '255' |
3 => | '255' |
4 => | '255' |
moistMaxAll |
1 => | '255' |
2 => | '255' |
3 => | '255' |
4 => | '255' |
moistMaxAllTime |
1 => | '20170227004826' |
2 => | '20180224233303' |
3 => | '20170225051537' |
4 => | '20180419161330' |
moistMaxMonth |
1 => | '255' |
2 => | '255' |
3 => | '255' |
4 => | '255' |
moistMaxMonthTime |
1 => | '20250201000006' |
2 => | '20250201000006' |
3 => | '20250201000006' |
4 => | '20250201000003' |
moistMaxToday |
1 => | '255' |
2 => | '255' |
3 => | '255' |
4 => | '255' |
moistMaxTodayTime |
1 => | '20250208000011' |
2 => | '20250208000011' |
3 => | '20250208000011' |
4 => | '20250208000011' |
moistMaxYday |
1 => | '255' |
2 => | '255' |
3 => | '255' |
4 => | '255' |
moistMaxYdayTime |
1 => | '20250207000007' |
2 => | '20250207000007' |
3 => | '20250207000007' |
4 => | '20250207000007' |
moistMaxYear |
1 => | '255' |
2 => | '255' |
3 => | '255' |
4 => | '255' |
moistMaxYearTime |
1 => | '20250101000012' |
2 => | '20250101000012' |
3 => | '20250101000012' |
4 => | '20250101000012' |
moistMinAll |
1 => | '23' |
2 => | '25' |
3 => | '9' |
4 => | '0' |
moistMinAllTime |
1 => | '20180119025415' |
2 => | '20190924233632' |
3 => | '20170421081420' |
4 => | '20170527143335' |
moistMinMonth |
1 => | '255' |
2 => | '255' |
3 => | '255' |
4 => | '255' |
moistMinMonthTime |
1 => | '20250201000006' |
2 => | '20250201000006' |
3 => | '20250201000006' |
4 => | '20250201000003' |
moistMinToday |
1 => | '255' |
2 => | '255' |
3 => | '255' |
4 => | '255' |
moistMinTodayTime |
1 => | '20250208000011' |
2 => | '20250208000011' |
3 => | '20250208000011' |
4 => | '20250208000011' |
moistMinYday |
1 => | '255' |
2 => | '255' |
3 => | '255' |
4 => | '255' |
moistMinYdayTime |
1 => | '20250207000007' |
2 => | '20250207000007' |
3 => | '20250207000007' |
4 => | '20250207000007' |
moistMinYear |
1 => | '255' |
2 => | '255' |
3 => | '255' |
4 => | '255' |
moistMinYearTime |
1 => | '20250101000012' |
2 => | '20250101000012' |
3 => | '20250101000012' |
4 => | '20250101000012' |
moonrise | '12:34' |
moonset | '06:07' |
myMetarVisib | |
rainAll | '2080.5' |
rainDayMnth | 'n/a' |
rainDaysWithNo | 'n/a' |
rainDayYear | 'n/a' |
rainFrom | 'mm' |
rainHour | '0' |
rainHourAct | '0' |
rainMonth | '0.8' |
rainRateAct | 0 |
rainRateMaxToday | '0' |
rainRateMaxYday | '0' |
rainRateYday | '0' |
rainToday | 0 |
rainTodayLow | '0' |
rainTrends | '0.0#0.0#0.0#0.0#0.0#0.0' |
rainYday | '0' |
rainYdayHigh | '0' |
rainYdayLow | '0' |
rainYear | '93.1' |
rtTime | '20250208104600' |
soilTempAct |
1 => | '5' |
2 => | '4.4' |
3 => | '7.2' |
4 => | '4.4' |
soilTempMaxAll |
1 => | '48.3' |
2 => | '48.3' |
3 => | '40' |
4 => | '47.2' |
soilTempMaxAllTime |
1 => | '20170618140924' |
2 => | '20190925111616' |
3 => | '20190925131634' |
4 => | '20190925202306' |
soilTempMaxMonth |
1 => | '7.2' |
2 => | '5.6' |
3 => | '7.8' |
4 => | '9.4' |
soilTempMaxMonthTime |
1 => | '20250205135059' |
2 => | '20250201000006' |
3 => | '20250201000006' |
4 => | '20250201135100' |
soilTempMaxToday |
1 => | '5' |
2 => | '4.4' |
3 => | '7.2' |
4 => | '4.4' |
soilTempMaxTodayTime |
1 => | '20250208002419' |
2 => | '20250208000011' |
3 => | '20250208000011' |
4 => | '20250208101949' |
soilTempMaxYday |
1 => | '6.1' |
2 => | '5' |
3 => | '7.2' |
4 => | '5' |
soilTempMaxYdayTime |
1 => | '20250207000007' |
2 => | '20250207000007' |
3 => | '20250207000007' |
4 => | '20250207121955' |
soilTempMaxYear |
1 => | '12.2' |
2 => | '7.8' |
3 => | '9.4' |
4 => | '11.7' |
soilTempMaxYearTime |
1 => | '20250102151653' |
2 => | '20250102144459' |
3 => | '20250101000012' |
4 => | '20250127124035' |
soilTempMinAll |
1 => | '-7.8' |
2 => | '-3.9' |
3 => | '-1.1' |
4 => | '-6.7' |
soilTempMinAllTime |
1 => | '20180228194845' |
2 => | '20180301004455' |
3 => | '20180301071128' |
4 => | '20221214084529' |
soilTempMinMonth |
1 => | '1.7' |
2 => | '3.3' |
3 => | '7.2' |
4 => | '-3.3' |
soilTempMinMonthTime |
1 => | '20250203073245' |
2 => | '20250203011857' |
3 => | '20250201145911' |
4 => | '20250202220822' |
soilTempMinToday |
1 => | '4.4' |
2 => | '4.4' |
3 => | '7.2' |
4 => | '2.2' |
soilTempMinTodayTime |
1 => | '20250208000011' |
2 => | '20250208000011' |
3 => | '20250208000011' |
4 => | '20250208012726' |
soilTempMinYday |
1 => | '4.4' |
2 => | '4.4' |
3 => | '7.2' |
4 => | '2.2' |
soilTempMinYdayTime |
1 => | '20250207231609' |
2 => | '20250207220814' |
3 => | '20250207000007' |
4 => | '20250207033833' |
soilTempMinYear |
1 => | '1.7' |
2 => | '3.3' |
3 => | '7.2' |
4 => | '-3.3' |
soilTempMinYearTime |
1 => | '20250203073245' |
2 => | '20250203011857' |
3 => | '20250127125107' |
4 => | '20250113071433' |
solarAct | '44.0' |
solarMaxAll | '1245' |
solarMaxAllTime | '20200707133656' |
solarMaxMonth | '432' |
solarMaxMonthTime | '20250206143452' |
solarMaxToday | '104' |
solarMaxTodayTime | '20250208095058' |
solarMaxYday | '144' |
solarMaxYdayTime | '20250207121922' |
solarMaxYear | '432' |
solarMaxYearTime | '20250206143452' |
solarTrends | '40#33#46#32#58#63' |
sunrise | '08:08' |
sunset | '17:45' |
tags_originated | 'uploadMB/tagsMB.txt-tagsMB' |
tags_processed | 'tagsMB.php-3.11 2015-07-21' |
tags_today | 'uploadMB/tagsMB.txt-tagsMB' |
tags_today_time | '104242104242' |
tags_yday | 'uploadMB/tagsMB.txt-tagsMB' |
tags_yday_time | 'n/a' |
tempAct | '4.1' |
tempActExtra1 | '0' |
tempActExtra2 | '0' |
tempActInside | '23.2' |
tempDelta | '0.4' |
tempFrom | 'C' |
tempMaxAll | '38.1' |
tempMaxAllTime | '20190725173008' |
tempMaxMonth | '7.2' |
tempMaxMonthTime | '20250206153649' |
tempMaxToday | '4.1' |
tempMaxTodayTime | '20250208102925' |
tempMaxYday | '4.8' |
tempMaxYdayTime | '20250207132502' |
tempMaxYear | '10.9' |
tempMaxYearTime | '20250127130418' |
tempMinAll | '-7.7' |
tempMinAllTime | '20180228205800' |
tempMinMonth | '-2' |
tempMinMonthTime | '20250203071727' |
tempMinToday | '2.8' |
tempMinTodayTime | '20250208014837' |
tempMinYday | '2.6' |
tempMinYdayTime | '20250207050520' |
tempMinYear | '-2' |
tempMinYearTime | '20250203071727' |
tempToday | '4.1' |
tempTrends | '4.1#4.1#4.1#4.0#3.9#3.7' |
today | '20250208' |
trendsMinutes | '0 5 10 15 30 60' |
uvAct | '0.0' |
uvMaxAll | '8.3' |
uvMaxAllTime | '20170616135849' |
uvMaxMonth | '0.9' |
uvMaxMonthTime | '20250201124226' |
uvMaxToday | '0' |
uvMaxTodayTime | '20250208000011' |
uvMaxYday | '0.5' |
uvMaxYdayTime | '20250207105824' |
uvMaxYear | '0.9' |
uvMaxYearTime | '20250201124226' |
uvTrends | '0.0#0.0#0.0#0.0#0.0#0.0' |
visibility_prefix | |
visibility_sm | |
wdirTrends | '110#110#119#114#112#94' |
windAct | '11.2' |
windActDir | '111.0' |
windActDsc | |
windAvgDir | '103.0' |
windBeafort | '2' |
windFrom | 'm/s' |
windTrends | '3.1#3.1#3.6#3.6#4.0#4.0' |
wsDashboardDec | '' |
wsDashboardImp | '' |
wsHardware | 'TL-MR3020' |
wsPhoneDec | '' |
wsPhoneGr1Dec | '' |
wsPhoneGr1Imp | '' |
wsPhoneGr2Dec | '' |
wsPhoneGr2Imp | '' |
wsPhoneImp | '' |
wsUptime | '299515' |
wsVersion | '6.1-15494' |